Last updated
Last updated
The Prover private key in the keys.yml file is encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and therefore cannot be directly imported into the Qrim Wallet. If you want to use Qrim Bridge, it is recommended to create an address with both the peerPrivKey and Prover private key using Qrim Wallet, and then send $QUIL to this address for bridging
Connect your Qrim wallet and Ethereum wallet
Select the coin you want to bridge and click "Next"
Approve cross-Chain bridge request in your Ethereum wallet extension
Wait for the request to be successfully signed from
Important: please DO NOT close or refresh the page, as it may result in asset loss. The process may take about 120 seconds.
Requesting signing from the official API may be inconsistent, be patient and give it a few more tries
Click "Bridge" to trigger your Ethereum wallet
Click "Confirm" to complete the bridging
a. Qrim Bridge has implemented the bridge from Ethertum to Quilibrium using a centralized solution b. Qrim provided bridge from Ethereum to Quilibrium is in beta version with limited bridging amount per transaction
Connect your Qrim wallet and Ethereum wallet
Select the token you want to bridge
Enter the amount you want to bridge and click “Transfer” after confirming it's correct
Confirm the signature Request
Confirm the transfer request
Wait for the bridge to complete